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Welcome to my website. I hope your search is fruitful.A good Life Consultant is one who has understood well, his/her own life experience that will enable her to fully empathize and comprehend the life experiences of her client.Years ago, when I first came to America after graduating from Dokuz Eylul University, I was feeling lonely and inadequate. Starting a new life in a new country, my husband’s bankruptcy, a severe traffic accident, then a divorce .. Life, by first slamming me to the ground then shaking me up, helped me to realize that I was much stronger than I thought. I learned to direct my energy to the right channels in seeking meaning and satisfaction from life.

I received a comprehensive training and certification for Yoga and Meditation at the Integral Institute utilized by Dr. Dean Ornish in his groundbreaking work in ‘reversing heart disease’. I attended trainings by world-renown mind-body medicine experts such as Deepak Chopra, and Matthieu Ricard. I teach stress management techniques in world-renowned institutions. In my native Turkey, I wrote 3 best selling books. I write a column on one of the country’s leading newspapers, “Sabah”. I have been featured widely in newspapers and TV shows.

Adding my life experience, I can look at many problems of just being ‘human’, more deeply and differently, with a pragmatic approach. I have gained the perspective to bring clarity to complex situations. I can share with you the strategies that helped me take charge of my own life.. I can guide you in the path to change your thinking and behavioral habits that keep you off balance in life. And with this new awareness and poise, you will bring a new perspective to all events in your life that threaten your wellbeing.


“Elvan has impressive knowledge in her subject! She shares real tools for a mindful life!”

Karen Levy Gannett, USA Today

“Working with Elvan Demirkan is just a great experience!  The techniques I learned, are powerful and helpful”

Junko Chinen, Smithsonian Institute

“My sesitivity towards my wellbeing increased because of Elvan.”

John Ryan, Pentagon

“Elvan Demirkan argues positive realistic thinking.”


“Elvan Demirkan in her new book, is not promising a miracle but a well grounded change”


“Elvan Demirkan’s class has been one of the most rewarding experiences in our lives! “

American University Students

“Elvan Demirkan almost likes stress. She explains great methods of coping with stress.”
